Prologue: the apple tree's discovery / Peninnah Schram and Rachayl Eckstein Davis -- Every name has a story / Penina V. Adelman -- The car that ran from Mitzvahs / Hanna Bandes -- A story from the Jewish cemetery in Japan / Joel ben Izzy -- Remembering Rachel / Suzanne Benton -- Fables of the Misnagdim: The eagles ; Ephram the elephant ; Shep the sheep ; Faige the fawn / Saul J. Berman -- Noah's wife / Judith Black -- The story of Bryan / Tsvi Blanchard -- The light in the wall / Renee Brachfeld -- Go fishing / Jay Brand -- Riding with the moon / Roslyn Bresnick-Perry -- Telling jokes for the sake of God / Yitzhak Buxbaum -- The ghetto Rebbe and his Kingdom of Children / Shlomo Carlebach -- The shepherd's prayer / Susan Danoff -- Rest area / Yitzchak Etshalom -- Nettie Blumenthal / Gerald Fierst -- Feathers / Heather Forest -- Revival of the dead / Ellen Frankel -- The path / Nancy R. Ginsberg -- The storyteller / Reuven gold -- The burning piano / Karen Golden -- Leon's plan for peace / James Stone Goodman -- The journey of the lost princess / Debra Gordon-Zaslow -- Maria Rael: a Jewish story from New Mexico / Lynn Gottlieb -- The chicken's tale / Daniel T. Grossman -- Haberes buenos / Naftali Haleva -- Pennies from heaven / Annette Harrison -- A taste of honey, a taste for love / Lynn Hazan -- The wisdom of Solomon / Merna Ann Hecht -- The montain and the cliff / David Holtz -- A tale of Reb Nahum Chernobler--and a tikkun / Eve Penner Ilsen -- The never-ending song / Nina Jaffe -- Raspberries for Sima / Betty Lehrman -- Raps: Walk like an Israelite: a passover adaptation ; Shavuot rap ; Chanukah rap / Suri Levow-Krieger and Eva Grayzel -- The old man / Syd Lieberman -- A New Yorker's guide to Eden / Lisa Lipkin -- How I learned to study Torah / Doug Lipman -- The bookseller from Gehenna / Lennie Major -- The fourth candle / Mara -- The Pekl story / Helen Mintz -- Grandma's Challah / Marilyn Price -- How I lost my diamond ring / Leslie Robbins -- If you think you are a chicken / Steven M. Rosman -- Ayneni Yodaya / Donald B. Rossoff -- I already have what I want and need / Charles Roth -- The day the Rabbi stopped the sun / Robert E. Rubinstein -- The midwife's reward / Barbara Rush -- Could this be paradise? / Steve Sanfield -- Winedrops on the eyelashes / Zalman M. Schachter-Shalomi -- Going along with Joha: a medley of mirth / Peninnah Schram -- The miracle of the black pepper / Rebecca Schram-Zafrany -- Three stories from the heavens: Turning: a midrash of the sun and moon ; The sign: a midrash of the rainbow ; Midrash of Mayim: a water story / Cherie Karo Schwartz -- the cottage of candles / Howard Schwartz -- The cottage of candles / Howard Schwartz -- Y.L. Peretz in the Israeli army / Shai Schwartz -- Messiah man / Rami M. Shapiro -- The untouched oil / Eliezer Shore -- A tale of diamond listening / Laura Simms -- The candle maker of light / Deborah Spilman -- Shosa laya, the wise / Susan Stone -- A lamed Vavnik / Arthur Strimling -- The most precious thing in the world / Joan Sutton -- My grandparents ; Sarika's story ; Charoset / Susan Talve -- Look not upon the flask / Hanoch Teller -- Excuse me, I heve an appointment with the prime minister / Dvorah Menashe