Math is a four-letter word -- The framework for developmental and introductory college-level math: why are so many students unsuccessful? -- The study, settings, and the participants -- Prior experiences in math -- Attempting math and community college -- Navigating the first developmental math course -- Math pathways and completing developmental math -- The end of the rainbow -- I need math classes... now what? -- Lessons learned in the aftermath -- Appendix A: analyzing the results -- Appendix B: pre-algebra and introduction to algebra course content -- Appendix c: stand-along quantway 1 and statway 1 content -- Appendix D: elementary algebra (all half semester) content -- Appendix E: intermediate algebra content -- Appendix F: sample outline for introduction to statistics with the corequisite from Arnold Community College -- Appendix G: sample outline for quantitative reasoning with the corequisite from Walsh Community College -- Appendix H: lead questions for student participants -- Appendix I: lead questions for the Lester community college faculty -- Appendix J: samples of teaching practices.