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Correspondence between Pliny and Trajan, 112 -- Emperor Galerius' Edict of Toleration, 311 -- Edicts from the Theodosian Code, 312 -- Decretal of Pope Siricius, 385 -- Edict of Emperor Valentinian, 455 -- Pope Gelasius I's letter to the Emperor, 494 -- Coronation of Pepin the Short, 750 -- Charlemagne made Roman Emperor, 799-801 -- Oaths of Strasbourg and the Treaty of Verdun, 842-3 -- Formulae of commendation, immunity and fiefdom -- Truce of God, 1083 -- Pope Urban II initiates the first crusade, 1095 -- Gregory VII's Dictatus Papae, 1075 -- Gregory VII's letter denouncing Henry IV, 1075 -- Henry IV's violent reply, 1076.
Gregory VII deposes Henry IV, 1076 -- Gregory's account of Henry's submission at Canossa, 1077 -- Concordat of Worms, 1122 -- Golden Bull of Charles IV, 1356 -- Adalbero's plea to elect Hugh Capet, 987 -- Charter of Lorris, 1155 -- Unam Sanctam of Pope Boniface VIII, 1302 -- Declaration of the Council of Pisa, 1409 -- Council of Constance, 1415 -- Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges, 1438 -- Tetzel's instructions on selling indulgences, 1517 -- Luther's ninety-five theses -- Luther's address to the German nobility, 1520 -- Peasants' manifesto, 1524 -- England's Act of Supremacy, 1534 -- Religious Peace of Augsburg, 1555.
Decrees of the Council of Trent, 1545 -- Edict of Nantes, 1598 -- Magna Carta, 1215 -- James I's claim of divine right, 1609 -- Petition of right, 1628 -- Death warrant of Charles I, 1649 -- Declaration of rights, 1689 -- Richelieu's political testament, 1624 -- Edict ordering the demolition of feudal castles, 1626 -- Colbert on mercantilism, 1664 -- Louis XIV's acquisition of Strasbourg, 1681 -- Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 1685 -- Louis XIV accepts the Spanish succession, 1700 -- Preamble to the Grand Alliance, 1701 -- Treaty of Utrecht, 1713 -- Journal of the first voyage of Columbus, 1492 -- Mayflower Compact, 1620 -- Declaration of Independence, 1776.
Bolivar's address at Angostura, 1819 -- Monroe Doctrine, 1823 -- Turgot's letter to Louis XVI, 1744 -- Decree to abolish the feudal system, 1789 -- Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, 1789 -- Civil constitution of the clergy, 1790 -- Louis XVI's letter to the King of Prussia, 1791 -- Proclamation on spreading the revolution, 1792 -- Coup d'etat of 18 Brumaire, 1799 -- Napoleon's Proclamation at Austerlitz, 1805 -- Berlin Decree, 1806 -- Treaty of Fontainebleau, 1814 -- Louis XVIII's charter of 1814 -- Holy Alliance, 1815 -- Circular note of Troppau, 1820 -- Decembrist Manifesto, 1825 -- Chartist petition of 1838.
Decrees of French provisional government on labor, 1848 -- Communist manifesto, 1848 -- Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, 1863 -- Thirteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States, 1865 -- Pope Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum, 1891 -- Establishment of Napoleon's Confederation of the Rhine, 1806 -- Prussian Edict of Emancipation, 1807 -- German Act of Confederation, 1815 -- Frankfort Constitution of 1849 -- Bismarck's "Blood and Iron" speech, 1862 -- Treaty of Prague, 1866 -- Proclamation of the German Empire, 1871 -- Mazzini's instructions to young Italy -- Victor Emmanuel opens the Italian Parliament, 1860 -- Garibaldi's account of the taking of Naples, 1860.
Austro-Italian Treaty on Venetia, 1866 -- Papal encyclical protesting the seizure of Rome, 1870 -- Victor Emmanuel's speech in Rome, 1871 -- Tsar Alexander II's emancipation of the Serfs, 1861 -- Tsar Nicholas II announces his policy, 1894 -- October Manifesto, 1905 -- Nicholas dismisses the First Duma, 1906 -- Proclamation establishing a provisional government, 1917 -- Proclamation of the October revolution, 1917 -- Austro-German Treaty of Alliance, 1879 -- Franco-Russian Alliance, 1892 -- Entente Cordiale, 1903 -- Austrian ultimatum to Serbia, 1914 -- Wilson proposes declaration of war, 1917 -- Treaty of Versailles, 1919.
Covenant of the League of Nations, 1919 -- Munich Agreement, 1938 -- British declaration of war, 1939 -- Churchill's speech after Dunkirk, 1940 -- Hitler's proclamation on invading Russia, 1941 -- Atlantic Charter, 1941 -- Truman introduces the Atomic Age, 1945 -- United Nations Charter, 1945.