Facilitating engaging learning practices: teaching and learning of students with disabilities during remote learning in college / Lynne Orr, Gamin Bartle -- Facilitating student motivation and engagement in the remote learning environment / Lindsay Aslan -- Increasing student engagement in remote learning using self-assessment / Alex Chambers -- Accommodations in the remote learning environment / William Felegi -- Creating expert learners in remote classrooms : strategies to support executive functioning skills / Ruby Owiny, Jennifer Walker, Kathleen Boothe, Marla Lohmann -- Direct instruction curricula: an effective path forward for remote learning / Sudha Ramaswamy, Amy Davies Lackey, Dorrie Barbanet -- It's a team effort : collaboration between teachers and professional school counselors / Crystal Hatton, Charity Kurz, Angelica Greiner -- Supporting students with specific learning disorders through higher education : pedagogical framework for online teaching / Cristina Dumitru -- Strategies for supporting teachers of students with disabilities in the virtual environment / Manina Urgolo Huckvale